
My words are my own. I may vent and offend some but I say what I feel.
I'm an overly honest (and loud) person.
I know some may not agree with me but it's my blog, my thoughts and my views.

About Me

First of all thanks for taking the time to read my blog. It really means a lot to me.

My given name is Katherine, but friends call me Kate or Katie (depending on which state I'm in hehe).
I also have been called Katie Bagels (my last name rhymes with bagel) and it is a nickname I wear proudly because my hubby is the reason I have it. (we'll get back to him later). I'm in my early 20s (currently 23). I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA. I miss it there terribly! I graduated high school in 2006 and then went to Slippery Rock University for 2 years. I was studying Special Education while I was there. Towards the end of the second year I was really having a hard time (not with classes but in general). My hubby and I decided to get married in July 2008. So I transferred out to Eastern Washington University...I hated that place! They were so not helpful with the transfer process, no one knew how to help fit my classes from SRU into their programs...I pretty much wasted a year of my life at Eastern. After a year of that crap I transferred to American Military University. It's all online, its awesome!! It's there when I want it to be, if I can't sleep at 3am class is there, if I want to sleep till noon I don't have to worry about waking up to get to class...it's amazing! (and all my classes from SRU transferred...my classes from Eastern on the other hand....didn't! like I said I wasted a year of my life)

Ok back to my hubby!! We met in the summer of 2006 (July 19, in case you were wondering). A friend of mine that I have known since I was little (like since preschool) was having a BBQ/get together type thing. Well she worked at the local grocery store and invited her co-workers too. My hubby was her co-worker! Another co-worker was also invited and claimed his car was broken so he couldn't come, my (now) husband said well I know where he lives I'll go get him, who wants to come (he thought only his co-workers would volunteer boy was he wrong!) I got in the car...he didn't know what to think about me. So we get to this kids house to find out he lied, his car was broken but he had his mom's car and had gone golfing with a friend. So we went back to the party and told everyone what happened. (my friend the host was not happy about being lied too) but we moved on with the party and we're having a blast. The host's brother had fireworks left over from the 4th of July, well in PA fireworks that leave the ground are illegal (unless you have a permit but the average person isn't allowed to get one so clearly the teenagers thought it was a great idea to set off the fireworks). Well my friend's brother was setting off fireworks, the township where we live it like a 4 miles squared...the police will find you (haha). So what is my ding dong doing? Holding the lighter...I stole it out of his hand... he was cranky. Now remember that friend who lied about why he couldn't come? Well he showed up! with a friend (that no one else knew). Well me being me (for those who only know me in a blog aspect, I'm loud, obnoxiousness, and overly honest [in my own opinion]) got into it with the kid. I told him it was rude to lie about not coming (or the reasons for not coming) and then to show up with someone who wasn't invited just adds to the rudeness. So he takes off and leaves his friend behind. We heard something going on in the front yard and went to see. Well another girl at the party was offering to drive this kid home (and he didn't live close). Well by the time we got up there the kid who left him came back to get him. We didn't want to deal with crap any more so we started to walk back to the fire and I grabbed hubby's hand (yep I made the first move). We talked until about midnight, when we finally left I took his phone and put my number in it (oh wait I made the 2nd move too!) a week later we were dating, 2 years later we were married!
We were married almost 2 years when we welcomed our daughter into the world. (She is the reason I go to school online and I wouldn't trade that) She was welcomed into the world in a whirlwind experience. DH came home from deployment on April 26, 2010. That was exciting enough to begin with but add to it that I went into labor with in a few hours of him walking through the door. We went to the hospital at 11:30pm on Monday (the 26th) and I was 3cm. When they checked me at 8am (on Tuesday) I was still 3cm, so they sent me home. On Tuesday afternoon I had a doctors appointment, it was at about 1pm. I was 3 1/2 cm at my doctor's appointment. At the end of my appointment my Dr said 2 things. 1) Go down the hall and get a blood test 2) go home and go to bed, this kid is coming by the end of the week. I went to get my blood drawn, then went home and went to bed. I woke up at 2am on Wednesday morning (April 28th). At 7am I was back at the hospital. They had to pull up my blood results and they found that I was borderline pre-eclampsia! By 9am I was hooked up with my epidural and pitocine. I was so tired I slept until I was 6cm, a few hours later (an hour of pushing) at 3pm my beautiful daughter was born!! Poor DH, I don't know if he slept those 2 days!! She is now 20 months old and running all over the place, I wish I had her energy!!
DD at 3 months old
DD at 20 months old

I am currently pregnant with DD #2. We are excited to welcome her in a few month but have a lot to do before then, #1 on that list is move to a bigger house. Can't wait!!

I'm just a military wife taking it one day at a time. Join us on our journey.