I'm a nerd, get over it
So who's been to see the new Twilight movie already? I really want to see it but I'm waiting until all the screaming 12 year old have seen it so I can enjoy the movie with out someone screaming every time Jacob takes his shirt off or during the steaming honeymoon.
I watched the first movie last night and will be watching the second movie today and I have to hurt down the 3rd one in this city, maybe I'll just buy it on iTunes haha
I really want to find my books so I can reread them, I really love this book series, I have read it twice and will be reading it again once I can find them. DH makes fun of me, he's not big on reading, unless it's a gamer magazine, a video game guide, or work related so he just thinks I'm a bigger nerd. I wish I had more time, but with a toddler, a baby on the way and school I'm barely getting my homework done as it is I don't need to get lost in the land of vampires and wolves (although I'd love the distraction).
Ok now I don't understand this whole team Edward team Jacob debate because she picks Edward and that is just how it is, that's how the books were written, people can't change that so all this team Jacob stuff baffles me but I found this and I think its hilarious!! I have to admit I think Jacob is very pretty shirtless.

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