
My words are my own. I may vent and offend some but I say what I feel.
I'm an overly honest (and loud) person.
I know some may not agree with me but it's my blog, my thoughts and my views.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Very blah!

My life has become very blah! My mother-in-law bought me a car new key (thank you mommy-in-law). So now I can go place which is nice, I went and got DD some baby friendly food (big adventure I know). I haven't be able to talk to DH for a few day and it's really getting to me emotionally. I got an email yesterday from his and I cried. While I'm happy I got an email it was only a sentence and it didnt really help me feel better (other than knowing he's ok). Tonight I was taking a bath and was listening to music and Mr. Mom by Lonestar came on...oh man I lost it. Now my husband is by no means a Mr. Mom since he works and I don't but he is just such an amazing dad and I'm still not use to him being away from me and DD. While this is his 4 deployment in 4 years! and we have been apart before this time is just totally new. I HATE HATE HATE that he is missing out on the little things. Like tonight DD had ravioli for the first time and she loved it!! To some it's just dinner to me it's DH missing out on DD's first.

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